care up-to-date

Cleanius costs

Cost savings in many ways

CLEANIUS is effective and highly efficient –

Saves massively labor and laundry logistics costs


Working time costs in comparison



Conventional bedpans cause at 100 applications an average

of 621 € labor costs for placing and removing the bedpan*

For 100 applications, Cleanius saves an average of € 336 in labor costs for placing and removing Cleanius *

Result of manufacturer-independent comparative study Cleanius <> conventional bedpans.

Implementation period 09-2015 to 02-2016 Municipal Hospital Karlsruhe, Moltkestraße 90, 76133 Karlsruhe.

* Assumed total gross wage costs: 35 Euro per hour = (0,58 Euro per minute).

Total cost savings through Cleanius at 8.000 cycles

Investment, amortization, savings

Additional savings by 6-fold reduction of the laundry logistics

Costs for laundry logistics


Slight bed contamination (frequency in%)

Conventional bedpans 45%

Cleanius bedpan 6%


Heavy bed contamination (frequency in%)

Conventional bedpans 20%

Cleanius bedpan 3%

By Cleanius

at least 6-fold

cost savings!

workingtimecosts in comparison download here:

Workingtimecosts in comparison
Adobe Acrobat Document 244.2 KB

More attractivity for your hospital and nursing home

The aversions and fears of the patients compared to conventional bedpans are well founded and well known. The attractiveness of your home by Cleanius is enormous and very valuable in a time when all houses strive for good occupancy. The choice of the hospital by the patient is increasingly influenced by the comfort offered. Cleanius offers you the opportunity in public perception to make a positive difference in this area. The award of the Cleanius Steckbeckens with the most important German design award underlines this in an outstanding way.

Reduce costs by avoiding decubitus and secondary infection

Cleanius effectively prevents bedsores and secondary infections. Thus also unnecessary additional hospital days, which go to the loads of the house due to the case lump sum. There is also another savings potential of several thousand euros per Cleanius over the service life of Cleanius.

Rapid amortization of the bedpan washer multiclean

Thanks to the attractive cost savings of the innovative Cleanius Compact bedpan, the purchase costs of the entire care package, consisting of Cleanius bedpans, Cleanius shelves and the associated KODRA "multiclean" bedpan wastes, are amortized within a short time.